Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Chanting for World Peace

Chanting for World Peace. 

For the last few years we have been chanting on Master Sha's TV Channel during Christmas and New Years for World Peace.  The Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony is the perfect mantra for this service.  It was given to Master Sha by Divine to help us move through this time of transition and to gather souls together 'as one'.  The words are:

I Love MY Heart and Soul
I Love All Humanity
Join HEARTS and SOULS together

The words are very specific.  First line....I love myself.   This is not easy as many people suffer from a lack of self-love.  This will block us on our soul journey.   What you chant is what you become.  When we chant  "I Love My Heart and Soul" we are embodying self-love.  This is key.

Then we send our LOVE to all souls, all humanity,  We open our hearts to them and then tell all to Join their hearts and souls together with each other and with us.  Then all of us will embody true

This is what will unite us.  What a blessing.

Master Sha received this as an 'anthem' for the Soul Light Era.  It is a 'calling' to all souls to join together as ONE. 

Join us on the Chanting Channel and you will experience the power, the love, the compassion, the forgiveness and the light of the Divine.  This is truly healing and in chanting you will be self-clearing your own karma too. 

Thank you all.  Happy New Year!!

Master Lynne